Frequently Asked Questions
FeedListPro cross-references Facebook® and LinkedIn® to find who your nominator is closely connected to.
In order to remain compliant with LinkedIn®, you will have to be connected with your nominator on LinkedIn; you may or may not have to be Facebook friends, as privacy settings vary on each account.
You can build a high quality feed list in five minutes or less. Depending on the number of connections or friends you would like to gather, it can vary slightly.
Tip: Allow the software to run on a second monitor & continue working on other tasks simultaneously!
You will see each lead’s name, occupation, location, and profile picture. We do not provide additional contact information as we encourage you to ask the nominator for an introduction while using good judgment in your search.
Tip: Each lead’s public profiles are linked to the feed list for quick reference and additional contact info!
We value working with individual advisors AND with teams of any size. In fact, partnering directly with your AFR or team to create feed lists saves time for everyone involved. With one account for your whole team, you can seamlessly access a feed list right where your AFR left it; efficiently and conveniently for everyone.
Be sure to not click, scroll, or interfere with the screen while the Chrome extension is running.
Close out of other large software applications.
Clear your Chrome cookies and cache.
If the Chrome Extension is stuck “Sending Leads” uninstall and reinstall it.
Allow up to 5 minutes for the website to cross reference a list immediately after building it.